Sunday, January 19, 2014

                                     "Chasing Time"

January has been a continuation of the past few months.  I've been chasing time.  Today my neighbor actually received his Christmas gift.   In his case time actually passed me by.  This entire month has been filled with suitcases which are never completely emptied because I'm home for a day and out again for a few.  Days off are spent with contractors to make sure our home renovations is going on schedule (which is behind by several weeks!).  Work projects are being completed the night before due.

It is crazy to take up the challenge of committing to a bead journal.  On the other hand it is crazy NOT to.  The time spent this month coming up with a theme, gathering beads and components and actually taking a bead embroidery were exactly what the doctor ordered.  Some element of sanity was added to my schedule while I continued to chase time.

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