Monday, April 28, 2014

Moving Day

Moving Day


March has been a difficult month for us.  We purchased a home June of 2013.  Renovations began November 2013.  We fired our contractor at the end of January; removing the obstacle in our way to moving day!  There was a lot of chaos and humming of workers as we got closer to moving. We never anticipated wearing the contractor hat, but we did.  5 months later we had no earthly idea we'd have such a difficult time moving our cat, Romeo.

Romeo decided on moving day he was not coming with us!  We moved is sister easily.  Well, pretty easily, she meowed all the way home!  Romeo wasn't having anything to do with the moving box we put together for him. He punched through it twice.  It was decided perhaps he'd come with me on day three.  No way man!  He was suspicious, eyes darting back and forth when rubbing his ears.  Day four I contacted a friend who had a pet trap and since she was part of the feral cat society I asked for recommendations to trapping the cat to bring him to his new home.  Sardines she says, they work.  

Trap set, sardines in place during my lunch hour I returned after work.  To my surprise the trap had been tripped and the sardines were gone however there was one problem, Romeo wasn't in the trap!!  He wouldn't come near me after what I can imagine a day he'd had.  Dejected, I left with him staying alone in the house for a fourth night.  

Day 5 daddy went to get him.  He walked in the house and announced to scared Romeo...."Romeo, today is moving day" after about an hour and half, over the counter relaxation herbs for cats and tons of trial and error Romeo's ass was kicked into the cage and brought home to us!  

It has been 4 weeks now and he is finally settling in.  He is back to trying to assist me with my beading projects! 

He has truly taught us to simplify! 


  1. Having had to move a reluctant cat once, I know of this struggle and sympathize. Glad you and the kitties are now settled in your new home... may it be everything you hoped it would be!

  2. Thank you Robin! It must be so hard on animals.
