Monday, January 11, 2016

What is Your Word for 2016?

My Word is:


"Your next year will be founded on change. New challenges will bring you much happiness."

I was asked at the end of 2015 what my word for 2016 would be.  Contemplation failed to give me a word.  One of my Facebook friends had his word picked for him via a Facebook game.  I played the game and this is the word  that was 'assigned' to me via that Facebook game. I like the word so kept it for the year. 

If you want a word for 2016 and haven't been able to find one for yourself,  perhaps you'd like to play the game too. 

Follow my blog and see my year!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

New Quilt Challenge

      My quilt guild is offering a quilting challenge.  We were to pick a photo, either from a calendar or something else that appealed to us. After picking a photo we are then challenged to make a quilt using the colors from the photo.  We aren't to reproduce the photo but to simply extract the color and come up with a quilt.  The process has been fun, so far.  

My Photo Choice
My First Fabric Choices
My Second Set of Fabric Choices
after Art Focus Quilt group meeting and
after adding salmon colors.
The photo is intentionally
turned upside down

My next set of fabrics- 
these are all fat quarters,
fused and ready to go

The raspberry and salmon with white removed.  I then greyed the photo so see the contrast and am pleased with the results so far. 

I'm considering putting the raspberry back in the mix!  Thoughts?

Stay tuned for updates as I move along the creative process.