Monday, January 11, 2016

What is Your Word for 2016?

My Word is:


"Your next year will be founded on change. New challenges will bring you much happiness."

I was asked at the end of 2015 what my word for 2016 would be.  Contemplation failed to give me a word.  One of my Facebook friends had his word picked for him via a Facebook game.  I played the game and this is the word  that was 'assigned' to me via that Facebook game. I like the word so kept it for the year. 

If you want a word for 2016 and haven't been able to find one for yourself,  perhaps you'd like to play the game too. 

Follow my blog and see my year!


  1. Love this watercolor! Your color is vibrant and you really captured great energy in this piece. The digital imaging does not do it justice compared to life view. Also very cool Word for 2016! totally on track with this. You are amazing!!
