Thursday, March 10, 2016

My New Studio

            Several things have changed this year already....huh that happens to be my word for the year.  Because of the many things I've been involved in blogging has been neglected!  So let's get to it.  
My New Studio

The First Big Change

Jerry asked if I'd like to take over our shared studio as my own and he'd move to the spare bedroom which is where I sewed.  I took about  a second and said "oh honey are you sure you want to give up your 1/2 of the beautiful studio we share".  Secretly inside I was screaming YES, YES, OF COURSE I DO, but I didn't want to sound selfish or anything.  

After much discussion I was convinced he was okay with moving out of our studio and taking over the sewing room as his office/studio.  

 The corner where some magic happens; the sewing corner.  Notice the painted fabric piece on the shelf behind the basket above my sewing machine.  You'll see that again finished.  It became the Fiber Shot piece I donated to the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textile this month.  

The view into my studio from the dining room

Every girl needs a tool box!  Especially one filled with glitter, Seta colors, Inktense pens, and jewelry making supplies. 

 Shelving with fabric and more fabric.

View from my sewing machine out 

Supplies, supplies and more supplies. 

The man that has made this happen!  It has been the best "change".  He now has a "man cave" and I have my own studio.  There is so much more potential for creativity in my new studio because I don't have to move from room to room; I now go from station to station.  The first big change of 2016 completed. Thank you !!


  1. This is INCREDIBLE! What a dream! Well done!

    1. Thanks Anna. It is a dream; one I never imagined.

  2. what a lovely space for creating--can't wait to see all that this space inspires you to make!!

    1. Thank you Mel! It was fun creating the space, now the inspirations are so numerous....which means more fabric.

  3. You have created a very special place and I am amazed with each new piece created here. I am blessed to be sharing this journey with you!
