Friday, August 19, 2016


Ice Dyeing Addiction

Part 2-The results

The Beauties!

 The exciting part of dyeing happens when the final iron out is complete and the actual results emerge.  The ice melting and color combinations, exciting as they are, are not what they seem.  I've been trying to think of what I could compare my excitement with.  What comes to mind is the planting of a mixed pack of seedlings.  You watch them sprout, grow up and then finally the bloom...the awe!  This is what it sort-of feels like to me to see these pieces of white fabric emerge into these beauties!

The large pieces are generous 1 yard cuts.  I put  thread into each of the melting pots of ice so they picked up the extra dye in hopes they'd match the fabric.  I can certainly see the possibilities for each of these pieces.  Enjoy them!

I know this will not be the last time I do this!

Full Size and Thread The Perfect "Forest"

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Detail of "The Forest" with thread.

Detail #1 of "Autumn"

Detail #2 of "Autumn"

"Under the Sea"

"Under the Sea" Detail #1

"Under the Sea" detail #2


"Fire" detail

Avocado silk scarf.  This scarf was donated to CASA 

Detail of "Avocado"

"Bronze"  silk scarf

Detail of "Bronze" silk sarf

"Berry" silk scarf  ....shhh this is a birthday gift of my sister. 

"Berry" silk scarf.  I hope she likes it!


  1. OMG!!! These fabrics are beautiful!! Makes me want to try this! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Hi Rebecca. Thank you! My only caution is be is incredibly addicting!
