Monday, June 15, 2020

Shelter Cove Women's Ministry Quilt #2 Part #2

Quilt #2 Part #2

Here is the video with links for quilt #2, Part #2  

I'm so happy you're here and I can share my passion with you and hopefully encourage, engage and connect with you.

Video with links

Two Quilts, different techniques to sew together.  Quilt on the left I cut ever other strip in half like Donna Jordan instructs, the second one I nested the seams.  I like both outcomes.

No rotary cutter, no problem:
draw a line on your sewn tubes and cut on the line.

Oh I did not like the red within the quilt once I started putting it up and looking at the color.  I took all the red off and made a border of it. 

I do like this arrangement a lot.  I cut the strips at the same spot and simply turned each strip opposite itself keeping the teal in the center.  you can do this with certain fabrics, say foxes, and keep them all together in the center of the quilt.  It is fun to play.

 Finally, a pink Baby Bargello done with all strip cut fabrics cut from 1/4 yard pieces. 

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