Friday, January 1, 2021

Word for 2021

My word for this year is:

Making New Year's resolutions has always been a bust for me. Generally by the second week, if I make it that far, I've already broken my self made promise and feel defeated!

Several years ago I starting picking a word for the year and it has proven to be much more effective. I'm successful, inspired to see where the word takes me and feel accomplished even at the end of the year as I review.  

My rough goals for the word Connect, which will be refined and honed in on over the year are: 

~ First and foremost Connect with God every day

Then in no particular order

~Connect with my husband daily. 

~Connect with our kids routinely.

~ Connect with my artistic side through watercolor, art quilts, quilting, drawing and writing.  
                ~Artfully Inspired 2021 journal
                ~daily water color practice with CeCe and
                   in journal
                 ~2-3 Art Quilting classes this year
                 ~Abstract Art Class

~Connect with family and friends often through calls, texts, birthday cards, sympathy cards, care cards, phone calls.  Making sure to let each one know how special they are to me.

~Connect with and make new friends.  Through mentorship program, church, art, open opportunities.
~Connect through social media, blog, FB, Instagram

If you are inspired to have a word of the year and want to have one selected for you, one avenue is to use: 

Happy New Year!


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