We Survived
Wards Ferry Rd
This was one of the scariest roads I've ever been on.
It is NOT, may I repeat NOT, for the faint of heart.
It is scary!
It is one lane for two way traffic.
It is cliffy, straight down 1000 ft, on either side at times.
Total hairpin turns at 5 MPH.
Blind corners.
Cars can go either way.
It does not have a painted center line.
There are NO guard rails.
I was so scared I could not take pictures of the Wards Ferry Bridge. It was shocking to see. I've never seen so much graffiti.
Here is a link showing pictures of a ride to the bridge and back:
*warning, there are cuss words in the graffiti
This guy takes a ride down through the canyon to the bridge and
then goes off road (we did NOT go off road) to the edge of the water and then back out to the bridge and out to Groveland. You get the idea. We had about 3-4 cars come towards us that we needed make room for. We were so thankful we did not have to "back up" to let any of them go past us. Jerry said he knew exactly where every little area was that he could back up into if needed.....I didn't see any!
Here are more pictures from a motorcycle group:
As we traveled to Wards Ferry Rd, which was our day trip destination, we saw so many beautiful flowers popping open along 120, J59 and 132.
I'm starting to notice this type of tree.
Anyone else?
deserved picnic lunch.